EKOH STORE is an online retailer, and we are on a mission to make it easy for every family to have a happy, healthy home, locally and worldwide.

We offer once-off shopping or our popular subscriptions repeat order options online to deliver your essentials to your front door regularly.

Subscriptions save time, money and ensures you get trusted natural products to your home or work regularly without any hassle.

Our retail store partners who range and stock our branded products will often offer refill solutions. You can refill your HealthyClean containers to save on plastic packaging and waste.

Alternatively, consider setting up your own refill station at home or the office by buying in bulk. Did you know our 15kg laundry powders can last a family 18 months on average!

The HealthyClean range is available in over 800 stockists in Australia and is sold under the brand name Simply Clean. To find your nearest Australian store stockist www.simplyclean.com.au/store-locator/

Look out for our brand on your favorite marketplace too.



Oganic general store art gallery & tearoom. Address: 20 Tahi Road, Ostend, Waiheke Island

Visit Greenspace



Sustainable, Organic, Eco Friendly Products Store | NZ Marketplace

Visit GreenElephant

Waiheke Specialty Store


Specialty food, sourced locally & internationally. Address: Belgium street, Ostend, Waiheke Island

Visit Waiheke Specialty Store

The Island Grocer

The Island Grocer

The Island Grocer is Waiheke’s own family-operated Deli/Grocery store, jam-packed fresh with everything required to satisfy the discerning appetites of conscious eaters. Address: 110 Ocean View Road, Oneroa, Waiheke Island

Visit Island Grocer

The Market

The Market

TheMarket is a New Zealand based online shopping destination for popular fashion, electronics, sports items and more from all of your favourite brands

Visit The Market


46 George Street, Blenheim, Marlborough

NZ Sale

NZSALE is part of a group of leading ecommerce platforms that offer unparalleled access to brands at great prices.

Visit NZ Sale


BuyInvite is an online marketplace platform destination for branded, converted fashion, homewares and beauty products.

Visit BuyInvite

Buy NZ Made

New Zealand made helps customers recognise the providence of goods. 

Visit EKOH at New Zealand made


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For all of our HealthyClean products, shopping & retail stores, please go to the SimplyClean AU website.

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Earthy Attributes
151 Pierce Hill St
Spring City TN 37381
United States

Earthy Attributes


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Ciao Bella!

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Circle W Market

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Forage & Gather Market

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Homesong Blog

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Lawrence & Clarke Cacti Co.

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My Favourite

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Natural Mommy Gear

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Pet Supply Crafts

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Salon B San Rafael

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Soap Bar

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Sunshine Drip

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The Wellness Shop

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White Memorial Conservation Center

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Honey Market

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United Kingdom


Shop Amazon UK EKOH

Online at EKOH-STORE

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