Green Friends Initiatives

Giving back to our communities and making a difference, no matter how small, makes us happy at EKOH-STORE.

We have chosen to 'friend' two regional initiatives doing fantastic work supporting causes that make us feel good and do good.

Our "Friends" are Trees That Count in New Zealand & Friends of the Koala in Australia for HealthyClean products sold.


Trees that Count

We love what Trees That Count does as a community marketplace, planting native trees throughout Aoteroa. Visit the link to find out more and to track how many trees EKOH-Store, with your support, have gifted Aoteroa and our community Trees to offset carbon emissions 

Why we are happy planting native trees :

  • They're fantastic playgrounds, making great memories
  • Planting native trees is a decisive action we can take to combat climate change and improve biodiversity
  • Trees will remain here for thousands of years and future generations to enjoy
  • Time outdoors is proven to grow healthier minds and bodies
  • Our native forests are a backdrop to many adventures
  • Home to native birds and bugs
  • Trees are woven into our culture, our stories and heritage
  • Native forests help feed the bees, grow edible delicacies, clean waterways where our fish breed and koura live.

Our goal for 2021, is to plant at least 1000 native trees supported by EKOHstore products' sales.

Friends of the Koala

Friends of the Koala

Friends of the Koala is a local non-profit community group run by volunteers dedicated to conserving koalas in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Some of our Australian botanical essential oils native plants grow in this region. Our products are made here too, by the Aussie team.

5 cents from every HealthClean purchase, you make, goes to Friends of the Koala, and this is used towards :

  • Rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing koalas
  • Protecting and enhancing koala habitats in the region
  • Educating the community and visitors about koalas and issues that affect these animals that are native to Australia
  • Advocating on behalf of koalas & assisting research

Each year, money raised from our sales is enough to raise 18 orphaned koala joeys (the name for koala babies) and counting.

To find out more about Koalas and our "Friends", click the link.