What are the advantages of switching to a shampoo and conditioner bar?

What are the advantages of switching to a shampoo and conditioner bar?

Why Give our Shampoo Bar a try?

More than 500 Million plastic shampoo bottles are purchased every year and many of these end up in landfill, polluting the earth and ground water - these plastic shampoo bottles will outlive you.

Fewer than half of plastic bottles sold are recycled - so make a change for good today.

Yes, one plastic-free shampoo bar can do it all ! No need for multiple hair care products in the bathroom - savings for you and the planet. Visit our website to see what customers have to say and read on to learn more...


We care about the planet and living healthy, and we know you do too. Product design, packaging, local manufacturing and freight are just some of the facets of our business that reflect our dedication to ethical sourcing and sustainability. Our EKOH shampoo, conditioner and shaving bars are 100% natural, and the packing is recyclable. They use less water to make than traditional shampoos. You also need only ONE product to do the job of 3 traditional products- wash, condition and shave - that's savings for the planet and your wallet.


EKOH Haircare is approved as cruelty-free and not tested on animals. We are certified New Zealand Made https://buynz.org.nz

and support the regeneration of native wetlands in New Zealand by planting trees with Trees That Count. https://grow.treesthatcount.co.nz

We're passionate about all living things.


At EKOH, we know sustainability is as much about what's not in your products as what is. We pride ourselves on innovation and safe formulations t focusing on natural ingredients that don't include SLS or parabens. Haircare products that work and do no harm.

Washing Hair - Women outside shower

 Want to keep learning? Hear is a great read from Green Whale.