Eco sponge cloths, make a change for good to biodegradable Swedish dishcloths

Eco sponge cloths, make a change for good to biodegradable Swedish dishcloths

WHY the EKOH Sponge Cloth is a must-have in the home and kitchen or on your next camping trip. You can even use them to wipe down the inside of the car dash and windows or keep one stashed in your office desk draw to wipe down your desk , computer and surfaces lint free!

💚 100% Compostable, made from plants
🧡 Fights build-up of bacteria AND smelly sponges
💜 Super absorbent wipes
🧡 Lint free and streak-free cleaning
💙 Easy to wash, quick to dry
💛 Long-lasting & Reusable - replacing paper towels

EKOH Swedish Dish Cloths have credibility with FSC and OEKO-TEX certification.

Because they are quick drying they reduce the build up of bacteria and can be washed again and again .

When you are done using your cloth, simply bury it or pop it in the compost bin, and it will biodegrade in about 2 to 6 weeks, returning it back to the earth.

Ditch plastic and paper towels for good today!

You will not only save money on paper towels but also be doing your bit to save the birds and the bees 😊